Learning Through Examples: Technical Videos and Webinars


Learning Through Examples: Technical Videos and Webinars


Technical Videos

Animated video of the Aestus process

Scan First & Then Drill and Remediate

Aestus, LLC's GeoTrax Survey™ proprietary subsurface imaging and conceptual site model (CSM) process. GeoTrax Survey™ is primarily used to locate the vertical and horizontal extent of environmental contamination in the subsurface, so that it can be cleaned up effectively and efficiently.

Rural Site for Water Supply Project

Rural Site for Water Supply Project

Aestus facilitated our “scan first and know where to drill” approach to assist our client with targeting groundwater supply wells for the local community at this rural site. The project objectives required longer transect lines and supplemental equipment to achieve deeper imaging depths.

Urban Site with Hydrocarbon Impacts Video Link

Urban Site with Hydrocarbon Impacts

Aestus’ GeoTrax Survey™ imaging technology was deployed in an urban environment to better understand a complex hydrocarbon plume in geology with preferential flowpaths. Continuous imaging data across the site allows project stakeholders to focus remedial efforts with certainty. 

Stop making costly decisions based on incomplete and inaccurate site model data.

Connect with us today. Learn how our ultra-high resolution site data can give you a more complete and accurate picture of what’s below the surface, so you can make faster, more cost-effective decisions and move your project forward.